How To Choose the Best Bike Brand?

 Types of Bikes | Mountain Bike vs. Road Bike

If you are looking for a new high end bike, regardless of ride style, type or level of skill, you need to choose the best bike brands for your body type, budget and experience. You will also need to know what kind of bike ride you are looking for. If it’s just an easy commute on flat roads with no hills, then you can get away with any brand as long as they have good customer service.

However if you want something that has more power than a cruiser but still comfortable enough to take some longer rides, then you should look at bikes from companies like Trek, Giant, Specialized, Cannondale, etc. The list goes on!

There are so many different types of bicycles out there, and each one comes in various sizes, styles, levels of comfort, price points, and even colors. So how do you decide which bicycle company makes the right fit for you?

Top Tips On Choosing The Best Bike Brand

1) Body Type

This may seem obvious, but we all come in different shapes and sizes. Some people prefer riding upright while others lean forward. It’s important to find a bike that fits well without being too tight or loose.

2) Budget

Do you have $500 to spend on a bike? Or maybe you would rather save up for a few months before buying a bike. Either way, make sure you don’t overspend when choosing a bike because you could be spending hundreds of dollars instead of thousands.

3) Experience Level

Are you a beginner who wants to learn about cycling first hand? Or perhaps you already love biking and want to upgrade your current bike. Regardless of where you fall on this spectrum, you need to consider whether you are ready to purchase a full-fledged road bike or not. A lot of beginners start off by purchasing cheaper entry-level models such as hybrids, city cruisers, mountain bikes, folding bikes, etc., until they feel confident enough to invest into their own road bike.

4) Ride Style

What kind of riding do you enjoy most? Is it commuting around town, going fast down the trails, cruising along country lanes, racing against friends, or taking part in group rides? Each of these activities requires a different set of skills and equipment. For example, if you plan on doing lots of trail riding, you might want to go with a lighter frame size, whereas someone else planning on only using their bike for short commutes might benefit from a heavier frame size.

5) Color Scheme

When shopping online, color schemes are often overlooked. However, knowing what color scheme suits you best can help you narrow down your choices quickly. There are two main categories of color schemes: black & white and colorful. Black & White refers to classic designs that feature simple lines and clean aesthetics. These include everything from traditional steel frames to carbon fiber frames. On the other hand, colorful design features bright hues and vibrant patterns. Examples of this category include titanium frames, aluminum frames, and carbon fiber frames.

6) Frame Size

Once again, another area that gets overlooked during the initial search process. Most manufacturers offer multiple frame sizes ranging anywhere between 50cm and 100cm. Knowing exactly what size works best for you can help you avoid wasting money on a larger frame that won’t work for you.

7) Comfort Features

While every manufacturer offers varying degrees of comfort options, it’s always worth checking them out. From suspension forks to handlebars, seat posts, grips, brakes, tires, pedals, saddles, helmets, clothing, gloves, shoes, bags, lights, fenders, racks, locks, baskets, bells, mirrors, computers, GPS systems, and much more, there are endless possibilities. Make sure you check out the details before making a final decision.

8) Warranty/Repair Service

How does the warranty system work? Does the company provide free repairs within certain time frames? Can you return items after 30 days? Will you receive replacement parts? All of these questions must be answered prior to committing to a particular model.


When choosing a new bicycle, make sure you take all of the above factors into consideration. If you have any additional tips regarding how to choose the right bike brand, please share them below!


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